Specials Coming Soon!

Check out our annual “Blue Friday Sale” event on our facebook page, Pisces Pools & Spas, Inc.

We are SO thrilled to invite all of you to our OPEN HOUSE on April 3, 2025 at Pisces Pools & Spas, Inc. located at 1611 Veterans Ave, Suite S, Vandalia, Il 62471. Please share with all of your friends and family. We cannot wait to welcome you into our new location! We are also offering a FREE Pool School at 6:00pm. Come and learn the What’s, Why’s and How’s of Pool Care. We will have a power point presentation on “How to Open Your Above Ground Pool”. This class is perfect for the new pool owner and a great refresher for the seasoned owner. There will be attendance prizes, refreshments, and loads of FREE information. RSVP today by clicking “going” or calling 618-775-6543 or 618-283-4207. We hope to see you there!